Was ist es?

Der Rotations-/Extrusions-Generator (eigentlich ist es ein Dildogenerator) ist eine webbasierte und WebGL-gestützte Browseranwendung, mit der sich dreidimensionale Rotations- und Extrusionskörper bzw. eine Mischung aus beiden erzeugen lassen.

Hintergrund des ganzen ist der Versuch, Modelle für Gussformen zu erzeugen, diese von einem haushaltsüblichen 3D-Drucker ausdrucken zu lassen (daher der STL-Export) und in diese Formen aushärtende Materialen wie z.B. Silikon zu gießen.


Womit ist es geschrieben?

Der Generator ist in Javascript unter der Verwendung von Three.js geschrieben, das Frontend ist in HTML5 und CSS.Die Menübar ist von moo-tools.


Warum das ganze?

- Three.js fetzt einfach.

- Die Idee, Web-basiert einen Meshgenerator für 3D-Drucker-Modelle zu erstellen, war zu reizvoll.

- Schnapsideen sind manchmal die besten Ideen ;)



 - Ein WebGL-fähiger Browser (HTML5)








Creative Commons






README.md <<

Path Extrusion Generator

@author   Ikaros Kappler
@date     2013-09-11
@modified 2013-10-30
@version  0.2.6

 - Added background images to the 2D- and 3D-canvas.

 - Added the VectorFactory to the preview handler.
 - Added a new function that arranges the wto splits (if split)
   on the horizontal plane.

 - Moved all secondary controls the the new menu bar.

 - Added a basic menu bar library (moo-tools_dropdown-menu).

 - The mm-measurements are now applied to the STL models.

 - Added process bar (display in the CSS message box).

 - Added CSS message box for errors and warnings.

 - Added ruler/measurements (in mm).
 - Shape scaling by moving bounding box nodes implemented.

 - Bug fixed: the second last bezier point can be deleted now.

 - The second last bezier curve was not deletable. This is fixed now.

   Implemented a better bezier curve splitting.

 - Zip file import implemented.

 - The 'Merge Meshes' STL option should be included into the settings

 - The bezier scaling by bounding-box works so far but there is a
   boundary required to avoid the path to be scale to width=0 or    
 - [DONE 2013-10-15]
   The mm-measurements are not yet applied to the STL models.
 - The bezier-Settings file should also store scaling and
   draw offset.
   When loading a file these settings should be restored so the bezier
   path is at the same position.

 - Add an enhanced polygon triangulation algorithm for the case
   the mesh is split; the cut is not yet properly filled. Vertically
   non-convex bezier curves cause errors in the mesh.
 - [DONE 2013-09-18]
   Bug: the second last bezier point cannot be deleted.

 - Fix Safari incompatibility.
 - [DONE 2013-10-02]
   Add CSS message box for errors and warnings.
 - [DONE 2013-10-04]
   Add process bar.
 - Add a compatibility check with error message.

 - Add dummy console for older browsers

 - [DONE 2013-09-11]
   Zip file import
 - [DONE 2013-09-24]
   Add ruler/measurements
 - [DONE 2013-09-18]
   Implement split mesh
 - Implement second inner perpendicular hull (for wax)
 - [DONE 2013-09-12]
   Implement a better bezier curve splitting
 - Add an undo-function to the bezier editor
 - [DONE 2013-09-24]
   Shape scaling by moving bounding box nodes

Used libraries

 - three.js
 - jszip.js (v1.0.1-23)
 - jszip-deflate.js
 - jszip-load.js
 - base64-binary.js
 - FileSaver.js
 - Blob.js
 - Moo-Tools (dropdown-menu, core 1.4.5)

Thanks to
   mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
   Larry Battle / http://bateru.com/news

   Daniel Guerrero

   Stuart Knightley

  Eli Grey

 [STLBuilder inspirations]
   Paul Kaplan
 [Moo-Tools dropdown menu]
   mootools / https://github.com/mootools